

2015-05-12 10:28






Task1The university has a new policy that they do not allow students to watch TV in the dorms. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this new policy.


Sample Answer

The advantage of not allowing students to watch TV in the dorms is that it can help students eliminate distractions. Imagine you are trying to write your paper in the dorm, while you roommate is watching a noisy TV show. How can you focus on your paper?With this plan, problem will be solved. However, this new plan brings disadvantage, too. Students will lose a good way of getting relaxed.If there is a TV, they can watch some pop music programs or talk shows to release pressure after a whole day study. Now, with the policy, it would be impossible.

Task2Agree or disagree: newspaper is the better source of current events than television is.


Sample Answer

PersonallyI don’t think newspaper is the better source of current events than television is. First, the news on TV is more up-to-date. I always watch the live news programs on TV, which provide me with the latest news around the world. However, the newspaper comes out only once a day. Second, news on TV provides audience with many visual and audio help. When people watch TV, we canacquire a lot of images and sound. There are even critics who can help us understand the events better.

Task 3:

ReadingThe university plans to hire a new professional theatre director this year.

1. Has directed many plays, so students can learn from him.

2. Attract a large student audience


Woman disagrees

1. The director is too busy directing other shows. He shows up in campus once a week. He can't pay full attention to the students.

If a student directs, he/she would hold the rehearsals more often

2. Even he is famous in the field, many students who are not familiar with the theater haven't heard about him.

Task 4

Reading:Experience Goods

Definition Sentence: the products which people cannot tell whether it’s good or not without using.

ListeningThe professor’s friend’s companysells educational DVDs. At first, teachers don’t want to buy the DVD because they are not sure whether it is good or not for students. The professor’s friend sent them to the elementary schools in the area without charging, and it was paid off. Students are having fun when watching it and really learning something. More teachers ordered the DVD and tried it Became a success.

Task 5

ProblemSam has to move off campus, so he cannot use the computer on campus any more. But he has a lot of paper to do next semester; therefore he has to buy a computer.   

Solution 1Save money by doing extra works.

Solution 2 Cancel the trip to New York and set aside the money for a brand new laptop. 

教师解析:简明扼要总结完问题以及罗列出两个可行的解决方法之后,就可以开始解释原因。选solution 1,不用取消寒假行程,这样寒假会比较好玩。努力多打一段时间的工也没什么大不了,只要攒够钱买电脑,就可以调回原来的计划。而如果你选择第二个的话,则是可以更加专心在学习上,毕竟旅行以后还可以去的

Task 6.Biology

ListeningThe professor the professor talks about two adaptations of the polar bear in cold environment.

1. Dark coloring

Although the fur is white, but the skin under the fur is in black, which can absorb the sunlight.

2. Oil fur

Water-proof, soak the water in the fur, keep warm in icy water.







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