

2015-04-16 10:52





很多人都同意在旧金山和洛杉矶之间建造high-speed train, 这样做非常有意义。

1.  西部公路的维修费用高昂,建造铁轨之后,道路的破坏就会减少,维修的费用也会减少;

2.  当前的traffic congestion非常严重,修建铁轨之后,拥堵会得到缓解;

3.  铁道交通是最环保的一项交通方式。




1.  新建铁轨本身就非常贵,加利福尼亚政府需要借上百万的资金,相当于政府全年收入的75%,这个费用很难还清;

2.  人们是否选择轨道交通,这取决于去车站是否方便,东海岸的公交系统发达,去车站很方便,但是西海岸公交不方便,进而去车站也不方便,所以当前的人们可能不会去改变交通方式;

3.  火车并不能覆盖所有的地区,有的地方火车速度也不快,所以新建的高速铁路还是跟regular train一样,并不能做到fuel-efficient.



Providing the Internet access is as important as other services, like building roads. Should government provide the Internet access to all citizens at no cost.

The Internet, as an outstanding representative of modern technology, has changed all walks of people’s life profoundly and widely. Due to the importance of the Internet, quite a few holds that our government should offer every citizen the free Internet access. As far as I am concerned, providing all citizens the free Internet access is not only unpractical but also preposterous. Below are my reasons.  

Admittedly, the Internet is as important as, or even much more essential than other public services, like building roads. Specifically, the Internet equips us with an easy access to knowledge and entertainment. Owning a computer with Internet access means we can explore billions of pieces of information and scan any of which in a matter of seconds. Also, we keep up to date with the latest happenings around the world because of the Internet. We have no doubt that we can never, ever underestimate the status of the Internet.

However, the suggestion that governments should pay the bill of Internet for all citizens is kind of absurd. Just imagine that, food is the basic necessity for folks, how can we hope our governments provide us free nutrient food for every one? Medicine is vital for saving lives and releasing pain, how can we wish our governments help every patient get the free medicine and treatment? All the answers are absolutely no. In the same way, we cannot get the wild wishes for the free Internet access. Everyone should pay for the Internet connection service, which means the more convenient and speedy the Internet service is, the higher price it can get.

In fact, what the government should do is to help its citizens get improved and user-friendly experience on the Internet. By that I mean, for one thing, the government should guarantee Internet corporations the freedom to create advanced internet community and develop new techniques; for another, forced laws and regulations should be established to clean the Internet, preventing false information and unhealthy content from congesting the computer screen.

For the analysis above, we can conclude that free Internet from government is not an ideal suggestion.





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