
2015年3月14日 托福写作解析

2015-03-14 11:21




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money.

Use specific details and examples to support your answer.


本题为TPO-05独立写作题目的变形:People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment-doing things they like to do rather than doing things they should do. 人们如今花太多时间做喜欢做的,而非做他们应该做的。


1. 当喜欢被夸张成爱时,便会无可避免的烧钱。当然,pets也不例外。因此,当一个人由raise pets(喜欢)上升到collect pets(爱),尤其是一些猎奇(peculiar)的宠物时(如:lizardsleopardssnakes),在这上面的大量花销几乎即在意料之外,又在情理之中。

2. 但是,工作和生活需要平衡点pets可以让人们工作之余得以休闲和放松,而偶尔的这种花费,即使可能是too much money,也可以是合理的。

3. pets即是软肋,更是铠甲。很多时候,宠物更像是我们的朋友和家人,给予我们无条件的陪伴。它们需要我们的care,我们也在此时感到被需要needed和被依赖relied onpets可以是人们披甲上阵的理由。因此,即使是在pets上花费较多,仍然是可以被认可的。


How much, you may wonder, should one spend for pets in his or her daily life? While some people may agree on the notion that we are spending greater amounts of money on our pets nowadays than we are supposed to, personally, I hold the view that this is an unfair statement.

Admittedly, it is true that many people like keeping pets since this is their personal interests, or even their own passion. Typically, besides raising traditional pets such as dogs and cats, some people are particularly passionate about collecting pet animals like lizards, snakes, leopards, just to name a few. Due to the fact that these non-mainstream pets are expensive both to purchase and to raise, their costs are inevitably considerable. However, what if these pet owners spend this money on more meaningful reading, social activities or further study, which could all be potential opportunities for their future and career? Actually, sometimes people's considerable spending on pets costs them not only money itself but also prospective opportunities in the future.

However, there is a valid reason for this seemingly irrational spending on pets. Pets play a part in entertaining our leisure time nowadays. Just imagine the occasion that your adorable kitten waits patiently for you at the door after a tiresome day of work. Preferably, you will take the lash and walk your dog for one hour, thinking about nothing related with work but solely relaxing and resting yourself. By contrast, things may not be so romantic supposing that he buys himself materials for study, especially in such a weary day when he has drained a lot-it is just not helping. Justifiably, every one of us need a balance between enjoyment-doing things and our obligations, and pets can fit perfectly in this very place.

In addition, people care for pets because of they are our emotional companionship. To be more accurate, pets are more like our friends, and even family. Take the movie "Hachik" as an example, which documents the touching life story of an old man and his dog "Hachik". Despite of the troubles and setbacks the old man has met after this long day, he forgets about them, maybe only temporarily, the moment he steps into the door with Hachik's greeting barks. Moreover, it is the reliance of pets that make us feel that we are needed. Because we have someone we cherish and to care for, we have enough reason and thrust to work hard and struggle for more. As a result, people spend money both on pets and their own sentimental needs.

Judging from the evidence above, people are not spending unwisely than they are supposed to when other good options exist, and we balance well between the ratio of expense of pets to others.




药品广告(Medication ads)会对人们造成不好的影响。


1. 广告不客观:故意隐瞒某些不利信息,不能全面展示药品的effects

1. 顾客有自己的注意(consumers have their own ideas)。他们会通过研究,上网或者问医生来了解详情,最后会非常了解实际情况。

2. 广告宣传后药品销量大幅提升,可能导致药物滥用。

2.  广告导致的销量和错误的宣传之间没有直接关系。如:尼古丁贴片可用作为戒烟药物。

3.  政府无法全力监管,从未导致部分人有机可乘。

3. 政府没有办法监管所有的广告,但是如果有虚假广告,政府会收到投诉并且开出巨额罚单(punishment)。这对企业而言会得不偿失。 所以企业不敢乱来。





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