

2015-03-31 11:20







Task1What is the most important characteristic of a good working environment?

A.    Friendly co-workers

B.     Flexible hours

C.    Helpful boss or manager

教师解析:一个好的工作环境最重要的特质是什么?A. 友好的同事 B. 灵活的时间 C. 乐于助人的老板或经理。本题的AC两项为人物题选项,B项为抽象事物题选项,同学们可以根据自己平常的练习状况,选择自己更熟悉的话题进行阐述。在思考原因时,可以想想这项可以给这个工作环境和在环境里工作的人带来怎样的好处。

Sample Answer

For me,helpful boss or manager should be the most important characteristic of a good working environment. There’re two reasons. First, with his/her help, I can quickly get adjusted to the new working environment as a freshman to the workplace. Last summer, I worked as the intern for the marketing function of an American company. My boss was a nice American lady. She gave me a lot of tips about how to get along with my work partners and how to write a formal business email. And I became the most popular freshman in the team as a result. Moreover, a helpful boss can always help me to correct my mistakes in time, so I won’t mess up important things. That’s why I think helpful boss is important for a good working environment.

Task2If you’re to take a new course, which one will you choose? The interesting one taught by a professor who’s strict about grade, or the boring one taught by a professor who will give students a good grade.


Sample Answer

I’d like to choose the boring one and get a good grade. There’re two reasons. First, a good grade is of great importance for my GPA. I’m gonna to go to America and get my master degree there. I need a 4 to help me pave my way to one of the top universities there. Moreover, a boring class is OK for me as I can do whatever I want in the class. Now I’m a junior student in university, and that means I get a lot of assignments and projects to do. Certainly I won’t be able to finish them all after class. You know, I still have some extracurricular things to do. I’m a volunteer in the local hospital. If I take the boring class, I’ll definitely do my best to do my homework at class, so I’ll save a lot of time to do other things.

Task 3:

ReadingThe university will let its students in art major to go to a primary school and teach art lessons there.

Reason1:The primary school has no funds, and the students there have no access to arts.

Reason2: Through teaching drawing and painting there, students in art major can get firsthand experience in this regard.


Man looks forward to this work.

Reason 1:This will be beneficial for the primary school. He uses his experience as the example here. When he was a child, he was in a primary school which had no access to art lessons, because the school’s so small. This was not good for students.

Reason 2: He has learnt some teaching methods in a studio, and this will help him with the teaching work in the primary school.

Task 4Business

Reading:Teaser advertising悬念式广告

Definition Sentence: Teaser advertising is a nontraditional approach that creates an image when introducing a new product.

ListeningThe professor uses a car company’s case as the example here.

A car company will introduce a new mode of car. It has two methods. The first method is to let the road, beautiful mountain and sky appear first in the ad, and this will make the audience curious about the new mode of car appearing next. The second method is to let all these things happen at the same time. And this method is more effective.

相关词汇:advertisement/ad 广告,mode 型号。

Task 5

ProblemThe girl has a problem that her apartment will be sold to others and she has to move out within a few days. She wants to live closer to campus, but she doesn’t have enough time to find a place.

Solution 1One of her friends can offer her a place, but it’s inconvenient for her to carry all her things to her friends’ place.

Solution 2 She can move to the apartment she has seen before. But it’s a little bit far from university, and it may take her a lot of time on the way.

Task 6.Biology

ListeningAnimals will be beneficial from being a part of a group.

First Feature:

Animals will be protected by the group.(Bats as the example here)

Second Feature:

When an animal in the group get attacked, it can send a signal to warn its group members, so they will take action to protect themselves from the danger. (Especially for insects, Ocean skater as the example)

相关词汇:Ocean skater 一种昆虫,类似水黾








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