

2015-03-28 11:15




Ø  独立写作目:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to finish one project and then go on to another than to work on two or more projects at thesame time.






第四段, 另外多任务同时进行会提高工作效率,可以给个人留下更多休息时间。



Industrialization has accelerated the pace of daily life, contributing to a hectic life style for modern society. Despite this fact, some people argue that concentrating on one single project is a better option since it allow people to be attentive to the sole task. However, from my perspective, managing multiple tasks is not necessarily an bad option.

Admittedly, finishing step by step will guarantee that things can be done in an effective manner, which may be a good option for certain individuals. Sufficient time can be taken to attend to details of each project to make sure that the projects will be of superior quality. An counter example can demonstrate how disastrous multitasking can be: A more recent study on the effects of multitasking on academic projects found that focusing on more than two projects will inevitably increase the number of errors that may prolong the whole process for all the projects.  It is obvious that for some people who are not used to doing projects simultaneously, it is not plausible to be involved more than one project at a time.

However, When people are used to being in charge of multiple projects, they tend to work on them in a more efficient manner. The key to keep the balance between one project and the other is to arrange different tasks in order to maximize the efficiency during process. For example, I had the experience of handling two projects when I was relatively inexperienced at setting up a schedule . It turned out in the beginning that my science project was interrupted by the language project that required me to take videos, which is extremely time consuming. Gradually I figured out a way to reconcile the projects by creating a time table on a daily basis to clarify the tiny goals for me to accomplish. Eventually, I  successfully managed to complete both projects with satisfactory grades. Experience allows people to work on projects efficiently.

In conclusion, it is true that working on different tasks at the same time may lead to low efficiency when people who carry out those tasks are not familiar with the process. However, once they acquire necessary experience, the operation of  projects may be extremely beneficial.


Ø  综合写作目:


今天的合介了分析May Rose下沉的三个theroies

阅读第一点观点Gun-ports were flooded. Gun-port面放炮口的地方,没来得及关好就开始跑了,海水来了致船下沉。听力点:研究表明,船当开的很慢,他不可能在没关掉gun-port候就开始出




阅读第三点the battle of Solent(地名:索特)未定输赢,但是件事情可以法国战胜英国,是一种成功。听力种理论纯粹是出于政治political motive,他不一定得了这样说是出于政治目的,来表明powerful.





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