

2015-02-03 14:14




Independent Writing

Movie and television have more negetive impact than positive ones on the way young people behave.



1.  年轻人缺乏自制力和社会经验,电影和电视上的很多行为充满着暴力元素,他们的行为很可能会容易被电影或电视上的影响而变得暴力。

2.  年轻人喜欢模仿电视上或电影上他们认为很酷的内容,但是随着科技的发展,电影或电视上的行为往往充满着科技特效,并不是真的,盲目模仿就会对他们自己活着他人造成危险。

3.  电影和电视上很多内容是为了吸引观众,内容可能不真实,其中就有很多主角凭借自己的天赋或家境获得成功,这样的内容很可能降低青少年努力学习的积极性。


1.  在电视上,还有很多正面新闻和广告(public-service advertisement公益广告),例如年轻人通过努力获得成功,帮助需要帮助的人,这样的例子有助于鼓励青少年努力学习,并且多帮助他人,可以举一个具体的例子说明

2.  亲少年并不容易接触到一些不良的信息,因为政府制定了不允许在电视节目和公共电影院出现血腥暴力的内容的政策,并且在所有电影开头都是否电影适合青少年,有助于家长阻止青少年看

3. 青少年可以通过电影电视学到冒险精神,不满于现状,实线人生价值


It sounds considerably plausible that nowaday television dramas and movie have more negative effect than positive ones on the behaviors of young people, especially in the modern society, more and more sexual and violent information is added into movies and television dramas in order to attract audiences as many as possible.Meanwhile, such “opinion” fails to take objective factors into account. I firmly hold the opposite view with the following reasons.

At the first place, recently televisions do not only contain dramas, but also a lot of advertisements and news, most of them are providing people with possitive information. For instance,  the big television screen located in our city centre square is always playing public-service advertisements. On the yesterday, I remembered that one advertisement on the screen was telling a story about a father spent 14 years to help his son who has disability in speaking to talk with countless trying. The story move people who pass by the square so deeply that many young people try to make a call to the father to ask the current condition of the poor kid. Apparently, such  advertisements on the television is able to remaind young people to pay more attention to disable person in the society.

What’s more, it is not so easy for young people to get the sexual and violent information from TV or movies as we thought. As we know, in my country, the government make a policy that public cinemas are not allow to play movies that contain sexual and violent information. To step it futher, all the movie companies are reqiuire to present whether the movie are appropriate for young people at the beginning of the movie, such as “18+”, which means that people who are less than 18 years old are not allowed to watch this movie. So many way are capable of ensuring that young people can not get negetive information by televion or TV easily.

In additon, as far as I am concern, the most important things that young people can learn from television and movie is courage to take a risk. As I have said before, in the modern society, television and movie company will try their best to attract as many audience as possible, thus they will present the most popular content in their movie or tv dramas. One of the most popular topic is action and adventure. From this kind of movie or tv show, young people can gain a lot of  stories that people achieve their success by taking a risk. From my own perspective, this character is what young people lack most, because nowaday people are try to stay at their current condition and are not willing to take a risk to make a greater achievement. Thus, those movies and television can have a positive influence to those people, especially to those who are satisfied with what they have gained now. Based on all the information I mentioned above, it is logically reasonable to make a conclusion that  movie and television have more positive impact than nagetive ones on the way young people behave.

Integrated Writing


Reading Passage


Main Point

the reasons that the number of Yellow-legged Mountain Frog decrese

Not convincing

Sub-point 1

the introduction of nonnative trout

Trout was introduced hundred years ago, but the decreasing happened in 40-50 years ago

Sub-point 2

the using of chemical pesticide

The frogs lived at a high altitude, but the altitude of crops field is relative low, rainwater could not bring pesticide to the place where the frog live

Sub-point 3

fungal disease damged the skin of the frog

Not all the frogs would be affected by the fungal disease, the skin of the frog could produce a chemical protection to counter the fungal disease

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