

2015-01-27 09:46








Task1If you are asked by your teacher to do community service, which of the following would you choose? Explain why. 1. Helping children with their homework. 2. Teaching adults to use computers. 3. Cleaning City Park.


Sample Answer

I think helping children with their homework is the most beneficial for me. As an education major, it’s a good practice. By helping children with the assignments, I can put what I have learned in the classroom into actual use. For example, I could practice giving instructions, expressing my ideas, and interacting with students. Besides, it’s helpful for those students, too. I believe with my help, they could figure out many difficult academic questions and accomplish the tasks as soon as possible. Thus they can have more flexible time to join in some afterschool clubs or programs.


Task2Some people prefer to a job which deals with the same tasks every day. Others prefer a job which deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?

教师解析:本题会是大家在备考时比较纠结的一题,通常无论选择哪个都只能想出一点思路。选“same tasks”,可以考虑熟能生巧,能在这项工作上面做到极致,变为专业,像卖油翁的故事,例如银行点钞员,此外递进由于熟悉,能提高工作斜率,少犯错,工作质量高,也许能提早回家,或有更多时间干自己的事儿。选“different tasks”,一方面可以学、到很多技能,比如实习生的工作,整天干各种活儿,像处理文件、打字、甚至打扫卫生,但可以借此机会熟悉公司运作,学习技能,另一方面避免无聊,每天有不同挑战

Sample Answer

I prefer to work at a job with different tasks every day. First, I can gain more skills at such a job. When I first graduated and worked as an intern in a local company, I did all the basic tasks in the office, like typing, filing stuff, watering plants, and cleaning. Soon I got familiar with all the things in the company and learned a lot from other employees. Second, doing the same task every single day is tedious. If I need to accomplish the same tasks very day, I would definitely feel boring. What’s worse, I will lose the strength and motivation to devote to my job.


Task 3:

ReadingSchool will create art club for the students who are interested in music and painting.

Reason 1: Provide students whose major is not art with a great opportunity to pursue their hobby.

Reason 2: Club can periodically organize trips to different art museums to have fun.


Man agrees.

Reason 1: although his major is chemistry in college, however he had learnt painting for a long time when he was young. This new change will offer him a good chance to get some relaxation.

Reason 2: the entrance fee of art museum is quite affordable for every student. And people hanging out together is more delightful.


Task 4Logical consequences


Definition Sentence: A logical consequence is a method a teacher used to prevent negative behavior by imposing the unfavorable consequences on students.

ListeningThe professor uses an example of his own student named Marry. In the painting class, when everyone was drawing pictures on paper, she, however, painted on the desks, which caused great property damages to schools. The professor punished her by not allowing her to play out with other kids. But it didn’t work.

The next time in the painting class the girl still didn’t correct her behavior, so this time the professor punish her to not use the paint anymore and exclude her to join this activity again. Finally her disruptive behavior ended.

相关词汇:logical 逻辑的,consequence 后果,property财产


Task 5


ProblemThe boy is going to change a new apartment near school, so he has to move all his stuff from the current apartment to the new one. He called to the moving company, and he was told the small trucks had already rented out, only the big ones left.

Solution 1He can just rent a big truck, however it would cost more money, and his packages are not that many to fill a big truck, so it is a kind of waste.

Solution 2 His friend can offer him a car, however, his car is too small, so he has to do several trips to finish moving.


Task 6.Biology

ListeningIn the biology class, the professor is giving a lecture to explain how fish can live in the fast flow of water in the river.There are two ways for fish to keep balance in the water.

The first one is that fish has strong fins, which are usually very big and with powerful muscular tissue. The professor uses catfish to illustrate.When the water is flowing harshly, catfish moves its fins rapidly. With this, it can keep staying stably in the center of water.

The second way is that when the water flow is too fierce, it chooses to stay near the bank of river to avoid being rushed off.The trout is a typical one. More pleasantly, the water around band is usually with filled with more prays for fish to eat.

相关词汇:fin鱼鳍, muscular肌肉发达的, tissue组织, harshly严酷地, fierce剧烈的










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