

2015-01-12 18:54





Task 1Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Exercising, cooking, or visiting friends.



本题“三选一”的设置而不是开放性的问题,会给“选择恐惧症”的小伙伴们带来不小的困扰,所以对于题干的关键词要非常敏感,相信三个选项当中Exercising是大家最熟悉的话题,从“保健、预防疾病、释放压力”以及“交友、培养团队精神”等方面展开举例即可,切勿花太多时间考虑选择哪一个。选择Visiting friends的同学可从“分享最近的故事”以及“和朋友一起会去干什么”两个方面展开。如下附上Cooking的参考例文给大家补充素材。

Sample Answer

I love to cook on weekends for the following reasons.

First, I love cooking and good food. I enjoy going to the supermarket to shop for the best ingredients Ican find, taking my time to prepare them, sitting down with my friends and families to enjoy a nice homemade dinner.

Also, cooking your own meal is so much healthier. I’m usually pretty busy during the week. ThereforeI eat lots fast food to save time. Getting away from those junk food from time to time is important to me. Restaurant dishes are very salty and greasy, while cooking on weekends means I get to enjoy something fresh and light.



Task 2: Some people prefer to live in old buildings; others prefer to live in new and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why.




Sample Answer

I prefer to live in new and modern buildings for the following reasons.

First, they are better equipped. New apartments come with air conditioning, heating, 24-hour hot water and security system. They’re nice and comfortable to live. Old building is another story. I lived in an old apartment when I was a kid, and it was always cold in the winter, because of the lack of heating.

Second, modern buildings are usually located near public transportation hubs. It’s nice to live near a bus line or subway stations because of the convenience.



Task 3:


Student Proposal: University should hold classes outside the classroom building.

Reason 1: Students can be more focused on the class and they will learn more.

Reason 2:There are plenty of benches and seats available outside theclassroom.


Man disagrees.

Reason 1: He thinks students may actually get distracted because of their friends, and the birds’ singing is also a distraction.

Reason 2: And there are not enough seats outside the classroomso students are going to take class on the grass. It’ll be really inconvenient coz students may have to sit on the grass and awkwardly use their laptop computers.



Task 4Biology

Reading: Cyclic(循环的,周期的) Population Change

Definition Sentence: It’s a repeating cycle of population change of predators and preys within a ecosystem.

Listening The professor explains this idea through examples of wolves and mice.

First In a stable climate, e.g. there are only a few wolves and a lot mice, which we suppose is Phase 1 of cyclic population change. Apparently, wolves are predators and mice are preys. After that In phase 2 wolves feed on mice and the population of them begin to increase while the population of mice begin to shrink. In phase3, there are only a few mice now and a lot of wolves. The wolves have no food to eat. Their population begins todecline after the population of mice begins to increase. Now there are only a few wolves and a lot of mice again, which is what Phase 1 is like.




Task 5:本题考查了经典的“作业交不了”问题,但新颖之处在于解决方法给出了三个,听力的底线仍然是至少你需要听出“问题”以及其中一个解决方法便可答题。前半部分回答只需简明扼要概括问题以及解决方法都有什么,不需详细说明各个解决方法的优缺点,保证你有足够的时间叙述自己推荐的方法以及解释原因。即使本题出现了三个解决方法,但很明显方法当中有“花钱解决”这一项经典解决方法,那么直接选择这一个即可,解释理由“快速,值得,方便,15刀并不是大问题”一一罗列说明即可。

ProblemThe man locked his key inside the dorm room and he can not get into it now. His history paper is in his dorm and it is due today, and he's only got a couple of hours now.

Solution 1He can ask his roommate to open it for him. .

DisadvantageIt'll cause some trouble for his roommate coz he is now playing soccer outside.

Solution 2Asking the professor if he can submit a day after the deadline.

DisadvantageBut his last assignment was already been submitted later than the deadline, he’s not sure whether the professor will grant this or not.

Solution 3He can call people of locker room. They will send someone right away.

DisadvantageBut it will cost him 15 dollars.

Task 6.Biology

The professor discusses two types of physical features of fruit to transport seeds.

First Feature: The first one is to stick the seeds to animals' fur.

For example: The burdock will stick the seeds to the animal which are close and stick the seeds to its fur to carry them to other places.

Second Feature: The other one is to float in the water.

For example: The coconut. When its seeds fall off from the palm treethey will drop into the water. That's why their seeds can be found in places hundreds or thousands of miles away.

相关词汇:seed种子,burdock牛蒡,float 漂浮,palm棕榈树









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